How Do You Clean Toilet Brush After Use?

Is your toilet brush clean enough? Do you clean it properly after each use? If your answer is a hesitant ‘No’, there is nothing to be ashamed of because you are not alone. I am glad that you are keen to change things and take better care of your bathroom hygiene from now.

So, how do you clean a toilet brush after use? You simply need to mix hot water and bleach to create a cleaning solution. Dip your toilet brush in the solution and let it sit for some time. Then rinse with hot water and let it dry completely before you put it back in the holder.

If you store your cleaned and dried toilet brush back into a dirty brush holder, the entire purpose of cleaning is lost. For total hygiene, you need to also wash the toilet brush holder with disinfectant and hot water. Let it dry completely before you put the brush back into the holder.

Read on to find out the various ways to clean the toilet brush after each use. I have also included tips on how to clean other nasty things in the bathroom.

Why You Must Clean Your Toilet Brush?

The toilet brush comes in contact with a lot of germs when you clean the toilet bowl and the ring. If you keep it back in the holder without cleaning, the brush will not only stink but also become a breeding ground for germs.

For sanitization of the bathroom and good health of your family, you must ensure that you clean your toilet brush thoroughly and let it dry before putting it back in its place. To assist you in this, I have listed 3 tried and tested methods to clean the toilet brush.

For more: How To Clean Bathroom Floor Without Mop?

3 Different Ways To Clean Toilet Brush After Use

  1. Soaking in Bleach

Take a bucket deep enough to hold enough water to fully submerge the toilet brush inside it. Now, fill the bucket with steaming hot water and two cups of bleach (about 470 ml). Check your bleach bottle to see if it has instructions on how much should be added to water and follow it accordingly.

In case you do not have a bucket accessible, I would suggest that you add bleach directly to the toilet bowl. Submerge the brush into the toilet bowl and let it stay like that for a few hours or overnight.

If you are using a bucket, let the toilet brush and holder soak in the solution for an hour. You must wear gloves to protect your skin and eyes from getting in contact with the bleach.

After one hour, rinse the toilet brush and holder using hot water (use the hottest water that you may have access to). Let the brush and holder stay submerged underwater for at least 30 seconds. Hot water helps in decomposing the active ingredients in the bleach so it’s safer to touch the brush.

Next, place the toilet brush and holder over a towel and let them air dry for a few minutes. When they are completely dry, store them away. Skipping this step and storing a wet and damp brush will only result in bacterial growth.

Repeat this cleaning process at least once every month to keep your toilet clean and sanitized. Even if you don’t use your toilet brush very often, it will still collect germs and dirt, so it’s a good idea to clean at least once every month.

  1. Using A Disinfectant To Clean Toilet Brush

Another method to clean a toilet brush is to spray it with a good quality disinfectant. You can use any disinfectant available in the market. Remember to cover the entire surface when spraying the brush. Keep spraying until the bristles start dripping with the liquid.

Spray the disinfectant in the toilet bowl as well. Now, put the brush handle under the toilet seat and let it stay like that for 10 minutes.  Make sure you position it in a way that the bristles are just above the toilet bowl to allow the excess liquid drip into it.

Alternatively, you may keep the brush to dry over a tub or sink. If you do this, remember to thoroughly clean the sink or tub after that. Anyways, I prefer and also recommend the toilet bowl for less hassle. After the brush is no more dripping, run hot water over it while the brush handle is still under the toilet seat.

Keep pouring hot water until the water running out of the brush runs clear. Now repeat the same process for the holder. First, spray the disinfectant generously into it and allow the solution to sit for at least 10 minutes. Then, run hot water on the holder to clean it completely.

Air-dry the toilet brush and holder by keeping it on a paper towel. When both are completely dry, keep the brush into the holder, and store them.

  1. Using Natural Products To Clean Toilet Brush

If using bleach or chemical disinfectant is not your thing, then you may consider using natural products for safe and eco-friendly cleaning. I suggest using a vinegar and water mix to clean the toilet brush and make it germ-free.

To make the solution, fill a bucket to the half with vinegar and the rest with water. You must ensure that the bucket is deep enough to completely submerge the toilet brush and holder into it. Let them soak in the vinegar-water mix for at least 3-4 hours or overnight is also good.

After the brush and holder are properly soaked, wear gloves and remove them from the solution. Now, sprinkle about 2 grams of baking soda on the brush and scrub it thoroughly. You may use a separate brush to scrub the bristles and in between them thoroughly.

Although you may skip the second step with baking soda, it helps in deep cleaning the brush even further. Now, rinse the toilet brush and holder with steaming hot water for at least 30 seconds to remove the baking soda particles and germs. Keep rinsing until the water running out becomes clear.

Let the brush and holder air-dry in the open. You may use a paper towel to dry them thoroughly. Wait until both the brush and holder become completely dry before storing them away.

Related Article: Different Ways on How to Clean Toilet Bowl Ring

Tips To Ensure A Safe And Effective Cleaning

Flush after you clean the toilet bowl and put the brush into the bowl as it fills again with fresh water. This will help in removing any nasty particles or germs lingering in the brush.

To dry the toilet brush quickly, position it in a way to keep the handle between the toilet seat and lid. Let the bristles hang over the bowl and drip slowly to remove all excess water. Then air dry for at least one hour before storing.

Always remember to clean the brush holder and make it germ-free too. Putting back a sanitized brush into a germ-laden holder negates the whole process.

Remember to wear gloves on your hands while cleaning to avoid contacting any germs. This also saves you from skin irritation caused by bleaching agent or other strong disinfectants.

Other Nasty Things In The Bathroom That Needs Cleaning

While the toilet and tools used for cleaning are the first things that come to our mind when we talk about nasty items in the bathroom, there are several others on the list. Read on to find out how to clean them too for a shining and odor-free bathroom.

#1. Toothbrush and holder

It may appear as a small thing but can become the cause for major dental problems if not done properly. Keep your toothbrush clean by rinsing it thoroughly with tap water after each use to prevent any toothpaste build-up.

If you wish to deep clean, soak the toothbrush in a cup of vinegar for at least 30 minutes. You must ensure that the bristles submerge entirely into the solution. Vinegar works as a natural disinfectant to remove any bacterial buildup

You must replace your toothbrush after every 3 to 4 months. If you fall sick, remember to replace it immediately after your recovery from sickness. To clean the toothbrush holder, fill it up with hot water, add some liquid soap, and scrub out the dirt.

#2. Razors

No wonder they are our best friend in keeping us well groomed and presentable, but how often do you worry about cleaning the razors. You will be surprised to see the difference a little razor maintenance can do. They will not only be cleaner but also last longer and protect you against cuts and nicks.

To clean a razor, take a cotton pad and dab some alcohol on it. Now, swipe the blade using this cotton pad to clean any dirt and germ. Rinse it well with hot water and store in a dry place such as the countertop.

#3. Loofah

Ah! Loofahs are a favorite bathroom product because they are so good as scrubbing out the dirt and dead skins from your body. But, how often do you think about cleaning them? Pumice stone gets clogged with germs and dead skin cells over time and it can become a breeding ground for germs.

You can clean it in a similar way as the toothbrush using white vinegar. Pour some white vinegar and hot water (50/50) in a bowl and submerge the stone into the water completely. Let it sit for at least an hour. Hang the loofah to let it dry completely before using.

#4. Plunger

This is another inevitable item in the bathroom, used for clearing up the clogs. While they definitely do a great job, without which your life would be hell – how often do you take care of them? Like everything else in the bathroom, the plunger also needs to be cleaned and sanitized.

To clean a plunger, you simply need to spray a disinfectant on it. Let it stand for about 10 minutes and then air dry. Some plungers also come with a holder so remember to clean it too.

Related Questions

How often should you replace toilet brush

As toilet brushes are used to clean the nastiest things imaginable, I recommend changing them at least once every six months. Cleaning frequently can help extend their life and improve hygiene.

Can you recycle toilet brushes?

Yes, just like other bathroom products like shampoo bottles, soap dispensers, and toilet roll inserts, you can also recycle a toilet brush. Contact your local municipality to find out more before disposing of the brush. You can make a wise choice by buying recyclable products to save energy and the planet.

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