Can You Use Air Purifier And Humidifier At The Same Time?
Are you in search of how to improve the atmosphere around your house in order to have relief from ailments like congestion, trouble breathing, dry skin, sleeping at night as well as reducing the effect of pathogens in your house?
There is no better way to make your indoor air quality healthier than using a humidifier and air purifier (see my previous reviews).
Both air purifier and humidifier impact the atmosphere around your house, but each device serves a different purpose with unique benefits.
Can you use air purifier and humidifier at the same time? Yes, you can use the air purifier and humidifier at the same time. The air purifier will remove contaminants in the air while the humidifier will add moisture to the atmosphere in your house in order to make it more comfortable to live and breathe.
Here, I will provide an overview of how each device work, the differences between an air purifier and a humidifier, how to use each one most effectively, and whether you should use the devices in a different situation or at the same time.
What is the difference between an air purifier and a humidifier?
Air purifier

The two basic ways this device work are through filters and ionization methods.
Air purifiers (see Amazon) that use filters suck air in your home into the device and run it through a series of filters. Particles like mold, dust, germs, allergen, and spores get suck as the air pass through these filters.
Air purifiers that use ionization method either use electrically charged plates to draw the particles like a magnet or release negative ions out into the air as a way to reduce pollutants. Some air purifiers use the combination of filters and ionization to clean the air around your house. However, air purifiers don’t add moisture into the atmosphere.
Humidifiers, on the other hand, do not purify the air but add moisture into the atmosphere inside your house.These products have four basic components which are ultrasonic, steam, evaporative, and impeller-driven.
Ultrasonic humidifiers like this use ultrasonic waves technology to produce a vibrating water droplet into the air for a cool mist. Steam humidifiers simply add water to the air by boiling water with an electrical element to create a warm mist. Evaporative humidifiers use a wick or a fan to add cool water into the atmosphere. Impeller-driven humidifiers use a rotating disc to add a cool mist into the air.
It is worthy of note that ultrasonic humidifiers can add tiny mineral particles into the atmosphere if tap water is used instead of purified water. Although the health hazards of these particles are not ascertained, research suggests it could be dangerous to lung tissue. To prevent this you need to use purified water and frequently clean and disinfect your humidifier.
What are the benefits of using air purifier and humidifier at the same time?
Asthma and allergies – Air purifier is a better choice if you or someone in your home is suffering from allergies because it is specifically designed to get rid of allergens in the atmosphere, such as mold spores, dust mites (see my personal experience to get rid of it), pollen or pet dander.
Majority of the people who suffer from allergies or asthma use an air purifier to reduce their exposure to these triggers. With this machine, you can be assured that the air you breathe in is free from airborne pollutants.
Humidifiers, on the other hand, have no effect on allergen levels. Instead, they may ease asthma symptoms if dry air is also one of the problems, but note that humidifiers do not decrease asthma symptoms or allergy. Higher humidity levels might even increase the risk of allergies and asthma because they can trigger the growth of harmful bacteria, mold and dust mites.
However, your skin needs a certain level of moisture to stay hydrated and your respiratory tract needs lubrication to perform properly. A humidifier can help ensure that your body has the proper moisture since its main function is to add water vapor to the atmosphere.
Colds, flu and respiratory irritation – Air purifiers cannot help an existing cold but might ease your symptoms by getting rid of other respiratory irritants from your home’s indoor air. Air purifiers capture particles, even particles that carry viruses which are so tiny get trapped in the air purifier filters.
Humidifiers can help relieve a stuffy nose and the discomfort of colds or flu. According to research, increasing the humidity in the atmosphere to a range of 40 – 60 percent decreases the infectiousness of viruses. The right level of humidity can provide a protective benefit from viruses.
Note that humidifier cannot cure you once you are already sick, but can make symptoms less unbearable by preventing dry, scratchy throat and nose.
Dry air – Air purifier does not help with excessively dry air that is common during the winter season, which can increase a range of respiratory ailments, including bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis, due to the fact that an air purifier does not add moisture to the air.
Humidifiers help in reducing low humidity in the air which is known to cause several complications such as dry skin that can make you and your child miserable. A humidifier adds moisture into the atmosphere around your home, thus increasing humidity level and improving dry air conditions. When the air is too dry, most especially when you on the heater during winter, it can irritate your throat and nose.
For baby – Air purifier can decrease pollutants in the air, which include “out-gassing” plastic, potential toxins from tobacco smoke, asthma and allergens triggers like pollen and mold spores or pet dander, and other possible respiratory irritants. This makes an air purifier excellent choice in the nursery.
A humidifier can be a better choice for baby’s room if the major problem is excessive dry air, and as stated above it can prevent dry, scratchy throat and nose.
That being said, it is important to use cool mist humidifier because it helps infants who have cold and cough symptoms, by reducing nasal passages and helping them breathe easier. Note that a warm mist humidifier should not be used because it might have a negative effect by causing nasal passages to swell, and making breathing more difficult.
For furniture and property – Air purifiers discourage the breeding of harmful microbes in your home air which might weaken your wooden furniture if accumulated on it.
Humidifiers prevent dry air and low humidity which are known to cause cracks in wooden furniture and also encourage wearing out of metal appliances parts. This is definitely detrimental to you financially because it might reduce the lifespan of both your furniture and appliances which might make you spend a huge amount of money on repair and replacements.
How To Safely Use Both Humidifier And Air Purifier Safely
Both air purifier and humidifier work best to improve the air you breathe, destroy dangerous accumulated pathogens and protect your furniture. Using both machines also offer great health benefits.
However, it is important to watch out for the harms using both devices in the same room can cause. To use both the humidifier and air purifier safely you must:
Place the devices safely – When you have warm mist humidifier, you must know that it boils water before dispersing warm mist into the atmosphere.
If you are not organized or you have children at home, you should be careful when placing the machines because they can cause burns when tipped over. You can achieve this by placing the devices far away from your child’s reach.
Measure the level of humidity – Humidity should neither be too low nor too high. Humidity is beneficial only when maintained at proper levels. High humidity may encourage the growth of pathogens such as molds, sinusitis and more. Also, low humidity will encourage several health complications as stated earlier in this write-up. You can use my favorite Humidity Monitor to check the level of humidity.
Watch out for shocks – Air purifier and humidifier are known to produce high-voltage of static electricity charge within the devices. Any machine that uses electricity can cause an electric shock and air purifier and humidifier are no exception. This might be more dangerous when positioned close to metal objects or appliances.
Related questions
Is it possible to humidify a room without a humidifier?
You can humidify a room without a humidifier by leaving your bathroom door open when taking a nice shower, letting your wet clothes dry in your room, and placing water-filled vases on sunny window sills.
Nonetheless, getting a humidifier will help you from getting sick, it can also give you softer, more glowing skin, help preserve your houseplants and furniture.
How long does it take an air purifier to clean a room?
Most air purifiers will take 30 minutes to 2 hours to clean a room, depending on the fan speed and the room size. But you should keep your air purifier on 24 hours a day because air pollutants circulate throughout the day.
Is using both the air purifier and the humidifier in one room safe? A combination of both the air purifier and humidifier in one room will simply mean improvement in the air you breathe, by adding moisture and purifying the atmosphere, which is vital for both your health and the health of your children.
However, they might fail to provide their intended benefits. But you can’t use the appliances wrongly and expect favorable results. You have to correctly use the devices to ensure they offer their intended benefits.
So, can you use air purifier and humidifier at the same time? You already know the answer. Yes, but you have to strictly follow instructions.