If you want to feel fresh all day, good toileting is an absolute essential. Not only a comfortable experience can help you face the day head-on, but it is also necessary for basic hygiene. Furthermore, the cleanliness of your toilet is essential for maintaining a healthy environment.
Now, can you install TOTO WASHLET on any toilet? Well, TOTO WASHLET is an ultra-high-end pick that you can make, but no, it cannot be installed on all types of toilets. However, you will be able to find a suitable model or make suitable adjustments in the toilet design for TOTO WASHLET to be compatible with your toilet.
TOTO WASHLET is a type of toilet seat that you can add to increase the functionality of your toilet. With its help, cleaning yourself becomes easy. It allows water to spray clean your backside without having to move any of the fixtures.
TOTO WASHLETs are convenient for many people because:
- They are easy to install
- They come with pressure and temperature control settings
- The seats are soft to sit on and heated
- TOTO, the Japanese brand, is the world’s biggest plumbing manufacturer
Difference Between a WASHLET and a Bidet
Both WASHLET and bidet serve a similar purpose, so it’s common to confuse between the two. Often people look for WASHLETs but refer to bidets instead since they do not understand the difference. Knowing their distinctive qualities is essential when you revamp a bathroom.
Bidets are standalone bathroom fixtures that look similar to a toilet, but they are not a toilet. These use water through either a retractable sprayer or a separate hand-held one. You can also use it with a faucet or spray at the bottom of the bowl.
WASHLETs are registered products of the Japanese toilet company TOTO. These come with their trademark warm water sprays. WASHLETs are similar to a toilet seat that you can use to replace your existing one.
Both bidets and WASHLETs are designed to clean your anal and external genital areas. However, bidets are not designed to accept your excretions and are only meant for cleansing. Additionally, WASHLETs offer a more premium cleansing experience than bidets.
Are All WASHLETs Universal?

TOTO WASHLET comes with tons of features for accentuating the essence and efficacy of your bathroom. However, despite what you may think, it is not always the most expensive option that is the most useful.
When you are choosing a TOTO WASHLET, you need to keep a few factors in mind:
- The control panel (side or remote)
- Amount of warm water reserved
- Color and shape choices (your bathroom interior is important too!)
One of the most significant benefits of getting a toilet seat like the WASHLET is that it comes from a leading global brand. Therefore, there is no shortage of choices and no concern for quality issues.
There is still one question that yu might be wondering about, Will It Fit Any Toilet?
Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-fit-for-all, but you still can find one that fits. The choice, however, depends on several factors.
The Toilet Size and Shape
If you plan to install a WASHLET spray seat on your pre-existing toilet, its size and shape are crucial in determining the model. Since toilets come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, your choice of the WASHLET will have to vary.
Positioning of the Toilet
When installing the WASHLET, ensure that there aren’t any obstructions around the toilet area. WASHLETs are designed for smaller bathrooms, but they will still increase the size of your toilet. Ideally, there should be a 30 cm gap to the left and right of the toilet.
Closeness to Water Source
If your shower or faucet is too close to the toilet, then there is a chance of excessive water flow around it. This nullifies the effectiveness of the WASHLET.
The Brand of Toilet
Unfortunately, some brands like the Kohler Rialto toilet have a unique design incompatible with any toilet seat. You can still try adjusting them with some modifications, but you will require professional plumbing help.
Which WASHLET Model Should I Get?
Depending on the factors mentioned above, your choice of the model may also vary. There are different WASHLET models with distinctive features that will fit your goal.
TOTO S550e

This is one of the most high-end products from the brand and is also the most expensive one on the list. You can easily get it installed on any two-piece elongated toilet. However, it is not compatible with round toilets.
This entry-level WASHLET is a fit for round or elongated toilet bowls. The color choices are Sedona beige and cotton white.
This model has a Proposition 65 warning since its lead compliance is low. However, its tank capacity is similar to C100 and C200 and will only give you a limited supply per use.
One of the best on the list, the C200 has an elongated D-shape that fits most toilets. It comes with a remote control instead of the usual side panel ones.
Frequently Asked Question
1. Will the TOTO WASHLET be compatible with my kohler san souci?
Introduced in 2015, the Kohler San Souci is one of the most popular toilet brands due to its one-piece design. It’s a fashionable toilet that enhances the aesthetics and functionality of your bathroom.
The problem is that its beauty is also a concern for its users. Its “French curve” tank design is incompatible with most toilet or bidet seats. The elongated bowl can only be fit for a few particular products.
The TOTO s550e WASHLET is one such product that will easily be compatible with your Kohler San Souci toilet. Just make sure to adjust the overhang of the front while installing.
2. How do I know the shape of my toilet?
Toilets can be either 1-piece or 2-piece, and they come in elongated and round bowl shapes. If you have a 1-piece toilet, then your choices for WASHLET become limited. The 2-piece ones offer more versatility.
Once you have that figured out, you need to figure out the shape of your toilet. You can do this by measuring the bowl length. Measure to the outside edge of the front of your toilet bowl, starting from between the seat bolts. Ideally, it should be between 18-18.5″.
See Also:
What Does A Bidet Feel Like? READ THIS FIRST!
Toto Washlet A100 Review – Read This First!
Toto K300 Vs C200: Here Are Differences
6 Best Bidets With A Dryer